Monday, May 23, 2011

Armed to the Teeth

The result of my recent participation in the 2011 Boston 48 Hour Film Project was just posted on YouTube. This was the one that I recently live blogged about.

My contributions to the film are as follows:
  • Wrote a script that they didn't use (see live blog).
  • Gave comments to the guy who wrote the script, basically amounting to "This makes no actual sense. That might be a problem." I said this as constructively as possible. To his credit, the guy changed the end of the script to make everything intentionally a joke as opposed to unintentionally a joke, which was an improvement.
  • Procured props and costumes and gave actresses a ride to the shooting site.
  • Got pizza.

And here's the result:

YouTube Link: Armed to the Teeth
    Most of the people on the team seemed to have fun, and that's great.  But objectively speaking, the result was not all that good. The contacts I made on the team were great, though. You can never know enough actors and people with actual production skills.  So I don't regret doing it at all, it's just sad to see potential go unfulfilled.

    I hope that these folks keep together and make new things.  The encouraging sign was that the director said to me afterward "You were right about the writing process."  As I had warned, all of the noise in the room wasn't productive, and the director wound up choosing a fully written script as I had advocated. I can live with the fact that he didn't choose mine, even though I'd obviously disagree with which script was better.  Maybe if they work together again they'll make steps towards putting together a coherent, well thought out project.  But this will only happen if they're able to view their own work and process with enough objectivity. 

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