Recently a friend of mine posted to YouTube a couple of videos of things I wrote in college. One of which I wrote about before. That prompted me to gather all of the videos of everything I've written that has found its way onto YouTube onto one big list.
Together, that's nine videos, a combined two hours, four minutes, and fourteen seconds of content, according to YouTube's count. They are:
1. Ourmageddon. A short film which is a finalist in the 2012 48 Hour Film Project, Boston. A post-apocalyptic buddy musical.
2. Motivations Unlimited. A short film which was a finalist in the 2010 National Film Challenge. A comedy about a romantic advice service.
3. The Secret of My Success. A short film which was an entry in the 2008 48 Hour Film Project, Boston. A suspense thriller about a serial killer.
4 & 5. The Dowry of Princess Talia, Part 1 and Part 2. A children's play written and produced in 24 hours.
6. The 1996 Glo Opera. My rendition of the annual end of year college tradition of a play which is performed in the dark using glow sticks to define actors, settings, and objects. Mine used Shel Silverstein poems as the theme.
7. The 1996 Hum 110 Play. The third edition of the comedy revue I started in college and which is now an annual tradition.
8. Static. The 2009 48 Hour Film Project Boston entry. A sci-fi story about parallel universes. Or something. I wrote it but don't even understand it as it was someone else's idea.
9. The Poughkeepsie Job. A 48 Hour Film Project entry for a team in Providence. We were assigned a road movie about a hairdresser and ended up writing a movie about hitman for some reason. It wasn't the idea of either me or the other two writers.
The non-film ones will look very dim and fuzzy on screen. I apologize for that in advance.
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